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    TBT Free, Low Friction, Self Polishing Copolymer A/F
    Intersmooth 7200Si SPC
    A cost effective Self-Polishing Copolymer (SPC) antifouling solution; Intersmooth 7200Si SPC offers high antifouling performance using market leading silyl methacrylate polymer technology in combination with a proven biocide package. Intersmooth 7200Si SPC delivers the best fuel savings versus CDP and other hybrid silyl antifouling products via predictable polishing during scheme life combined with proven in-service performance. With 61% volume solids, Intersmooth 7200Si SPC possesses the highest volume solids among silyl antifoulings, providing not just paint consumption savings, but also saving on costs and time in dry-dock by reducing number of coats applied. Intersmooth 7200Si SPC is suitable for all types of vessels operating all trading routes.
    Solvent Free Epoxy
    Interzone 101
    A two pack solvent free epoxy which can be applied underwater and will cure underwater to give a corrosion and abrasion resistant coating.
    TBT Free Polishing Antifouling
    Interspeed 640
    A high performance, TBT free, polishing antifouling. Enhanced biocide release mechanism. Prevents coating build-up. At subsequent drydockings, it is only necessary to top up the system. Low VOC.
    Formula 152 Topcoat (MIL-DTL-24441 Type IV)
    A two pack epoxy finish. Exhibits excellent abrasion, chemical and solvent resistance.
    Epoxy Tie Coat
    Intergard 5263
    Intergard 5263 is an epoxy tie coat which maximises adhesion of anti-fouling coatings to existing coatings. Designed for low temperature use. Suitable for use in new construction and maintenance, Intergard 5263 is highly versitile and is compatible with a wide range of new and aged coatings.
    Epoxy Primer
    Interseal 670HS - Temperate - Global
    A low VOC, two component high build, high solids surface tolerant epoxy maintenance coating.
    Abrasion Resistant Epoxy
    Intershield 163 Inerta 160 – Europe and South Korea
    Intershield 163 Inerta 160 is a high performance coating for ice-going vessels. With more than 40 years of track record, owners and operators can be sure proven performance. Low ice adhesion. Low frictional resistance. Designed for operation at temperatures as low as -50°C.
    Formula 151 Topcoat (MIL-DTL-24441 Type IV)
    A two pack epoxy finish. Exhibits excellent abrasion, chemical and solvent resistance.
    Epoxy Anticorrosive
    Intertuf 362
    Intertuf 362 is an versatile surface tolerant epoxy primer. With good resistance to water and some chemicals, Intergard 263 is suitable for most vessel areas. Low temperature cure.
    Formula 154 Topcoat (MIL-DTL-24441)
    A two pack epoxy finish. Exhibits excellent abrasion, chemical and solvent resistance.
    Modified Epoxy Primer
    Intergard 267
    A two pack, tar free, epoxy tie coat.
    High Build Epoxy Primer
    Interprime 820
    A two pack epoxy primer suitable for use above and below the water.
    Epoxy Primer
    Interzone 5140
    A high solids, low VOC, surface tolerant two pack epoxy anti-corrosive with abrasion resistance designed for use on the underwater flats of cruise vessels. Smooth appearance, Easy to clean
    Formula 151 Topcoat (MIL-DTL-24441)
    A two pack epoxy finish. Exhibits excellent abrasion, chemical and solvent resistance.
    Epoxy Primer
    Interseal 670HS - Low Temperature - Global
    A low VOC, two component high build, high solids surface tolerant epoxy maintenance coating.
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