Choosing the best cargo tank coatings is one of the challenges faced by chemical tank operators. Any cargo contamination or cargo tank coatings failure may result in off-hire and can result in huge financial implications. Read how one Spanish chemical tank operator decided to use our cargo tank coatings after persuaded by a combination of positive feedback.
Chemical tanker operators face a growing challenge in choosing the best cargo tank coatings. An increasingly diverse range of cargoes, some of them commonly known to be aggressive, can now be shipped in special coated tanks and may not need stainless steel containment. However, the carriage of many of these cargoes can still be tricky and that is why many operators of coated vessels in this specialized sector have stuck with the solutions they are familiar with. Traditional phenolic epoxies, for example, are prone to cargo absorption, which can lead to operational challenges, including repeated tank cleaning and cargo sequencing restrictions.
Issues relating to the carriage of chemicals include a requirement for meticulous tank cleaning between cargoes to reduce the chance of contaminating subsequent cargo shipments, adequate recovery periods between aggressive cargoes, and the continuing risk of off-hire. These issues come on top of the strict application procedures required by many coatings, which include correct surface preparation, constraints regarding temperature and humidity and, critically, curing time. Ships can remain off-hire for up to a week, for example, while some coatings cure. Coating adhesion and cracking can be the expensive result of poor attention to application detail.
Interline 9001 cargo tank coating is making significant inroads into the market for several reasons. The product is more robust to handle more types of chemical cargoes and provides greater operational flexibility than traditional phenolic epoxies, broadening the range of cargoes that can be carried. In addition, Interline 9001 is proving attractive because of AkzoNobel’s global network of trained and experienced technical service representatives (TSRs). These experts are permanently on hand in key locations to ensure that the product is handled safely and applied correctly, under the right conditions. They also provide guidance on the most appropriate operational procedures for the project.
With over 500 TSRs, this ongoing support is an invaluable component of the service, which we provide. Typically, TSRs are permanently stationed at key building and repair facilities around the world, and experts are also made available at specific locations when the need arises.
Ship operators in this sector are cautious about changing cargo tank coatings because there are high risks attached. Cargo contamination, cargo tank coatings failure and the risk of off-hire are major issues for chemical tanker owners, with huge financial implications. One incident with a charterer or cargo owner is one too many.
Interline 9001 was introduced to the market in 2011 with emphasis on partnership approach. Solid and lasting relationships between AkzoNobel’s TSRs and vessel’s fleet superintendents and other technical personnel are essential. In fact, that is a key element of our offering.
Interline 9001 is a step-change in cargo tank coating technology, and the coating, together with AkzoNobel’s TSR support, is an unbeatable combination.
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Interline 9001 and AkzoNobel's global support set-up a "unique combination"
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